Version Museum Blog

The AIM Alliance, announced in July 1991 Info World

Posted June 30, 2020 by Version Museum
The AIM Alliance consisted of three tech companies trying to compete against the Microsoft Windows-Intel duo (known as WinTel at the time). Apple, IBM, and Motorola joined forces to collaborate and invest in a new computing platform.
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A look back at the early homepages of the CDC and WHO in the 1990s

Posted March 12, 2020 by Version Museum
Coronavirus has changed almost all aspects of modern life in such a short time. The CDC and WHO are both working to mitigate the effects of the virus. Here's how their websites looked back in the early days.
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New Website Images From 1997

Posted August 26, 2019 by Version Museum
In performing research recently on the early years, we came across a video by KIRO 7 News (Seattle) from 1997. It was posted to Youtube in 2016 and only had 2,900 views at the time we saw it earlier this week. Which is a shame, because it has some really useful footage of Amazon's early website which we hadn't seen before (and believe me, we've looked for everything).
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Thoughts on Googlebot vs Bingbot

Posted July 24, 2019 by Version Museum
We use a few scripts that run throughout the day to monitor site activity. One of the things we monitor is various bots visiting the site. In particular, the Googlebot and the Bingbot are closely watched. As more content is added, sitemaps are updated, and sometimes submitted directly to the respective Google and Bing search consoles, it's helpful to see when we get their house calls. I'll cut to the chase. It's obvious that Googlebot is far more savvy about the current social media and sharing landscape than Bingbot.
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Why is Microsoft teasing Windows 1.0 on social media?

Posted July 3, 2019 by Version Museum
What is going on with Microsoft's social media accounts? Twitter and Instagram accounts for Windows are showing all sorts of retro Windows 1.0 promos. This is the kind of thing that gets us really excited here at Version Museum HQ! In fact, the Instagram account for Windows removed all previous posts, and are now showing only stuff related to Windows 1.0. Crazy...
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A Simple Way to Quickly Test .htaccess Changes

Posted May 27, 2019 by Version Museum
If you run Apache as your webserver and use an .htaccess file to shape traffic to your site, this post is for you. Obviously, the power that .htaccess provides to a site owner is fantastic. But the breadth of changes you can make introduces headaches when it comes to testing. This can help reduce your stress.
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Welcome to The Version Museum Blog!

Posted May 27, 2019 by Version Museum
When this site re-launched earlier this month, we wanted to incorporate a blog into the mix. There's a lot that goes into documenting the history of all these websites, games, and more that doesn't fit neatly into the existing format of the site.
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